Love and appreciate yourself!


Ive been really working on myself spiritually, mentally, and physically this past coming month. And like the quote says, we owe ourselves as much energy as we give to other people. Being around my own energy I found a lot that I have to offer and I have found out that I really love my own company.

I’ve learned there are many things that I appreciate about myself. “I think that it’s important that we learn to love what we appreciate about ourselves.” I appreciate my drive, dedication, and hard work that I put into my work and projects, I appreciate my sense of humor, my ability to bring joy and laughter wherever I go, my ability to love even “people who do not treat me how I’m supposed to be treated.” I appreciate my resilentsy to get back up when I get knocked down.

Part of loving ourselves is appreciating what we love about ourselves and learning from our mistakes. Once you love and appreciate yourself you are able to share with others.

Energy is contagious and we must surround ourselves with the energies that foster our growth and bring out the best in ourselves. We must also work on ourselves and have a clear vision as to what we want to surround ourselves with.

💕 Jeremy

You are that B*TCH!


Keep those friends who see the very best in you and remind you of who you really are. It’s an amazing feeling when people can see who really are and love and accept us for who we are. We don’t ever have to change and people will love us for exactly who we are. We are all children of God and God can always see our hearts and what is inside our hearts and other people’s opinions of us do not matter because God knows exactly who we are.

Stay true to who you are and don’t let anyone tell you different! You are amazing. You are loved. You are that BITCH! Now go on and live your best life!

❤️ Jeremy



Repeat after me: I AM abundant in all areas of my life: physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.

Abundance is not measured in the amount of wealth we accumulate ourselves; Abundance is being able to give to others because you are abundant. God has blessed you with abundance so you can provide for others and give back.

Do not live in scarcity or live in fear of not having enough. We all have something to give. We all have something to offer. Be abundant, live abundantly, help those who are  in need, have a kind heart and give back to the community.

❤️ Jeremy




Make room for change.


In order to make room for things that are serving us, we have to let go of things that no longer serve us.

Get rid of physical things you no longer need, things that no longer fit you that you don’t use anymore, give away what you don’t need so that someone else may benefit from it. Clear the unwanted emails. Only keep things that you love. Let go of negative people and people who drain your energy and don’t see the best in you. People who don’t support the journey you are headed to be deter you….Because you are great and you deserve the very best!

When we give away things we don’t need or no longer serve us, we invite space in our lives for things that do serve us. Change will not happen if we don’t do some of the work and just let go.




Sometimes we meet people and we lose ourselves and we wonder why we feel so insecure. We were perfectly fine on our own, until someone came along and made us feel inadequate about ourselves.

It’s okay to walk away from people who don’t make you feel adequate, people who drain your energy…build you up and then easily tear you down. We give in so easily because we believe that one day they will change for the better…and we don’t and we end up getting hurt.

No more. It’s time to walk away from people who no longer serve us or make us feel good about ourselves. It’s time to find happiness in ourselves and tell ourselves that we are worth it, and we are totally worth it.

I’m choosing my happiness because it comes first.

Some people are just not good for you.


Some people are just no good for you no matter how much you love them and care about them. Sometimes in life we have to learn to let go of people who aren’t good for us. Some people aren’t part of “where we are headed to in life.”  Some people drain us, or hold us back; they don’t allow us to grow as individuals and yet we still love them. Why? Why do we continue to love those who don’t feel the same way towards us? We believe one day that they will change and love us back the same way we love them, but that will never happen. People only change if they want to, otherwise they will continue to be the same person.

Its time that I grow up, learn from my mistakes and learn to be content with myself and be around people who accept me for me and see the best in me. I rather spend time with people who value me and my time than people who use me and will never love me the way I love them. I’m not wasting my time anymore or my energy.

Letting go of someone is probably one of the hardest things we have to do in life, but I know it’s only for the better. And that’s what I need to do. Protect my heart and soul.

Im way too good at goodbyes.

Lesson learned.

❤️ Jeremy


Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.


IMG_7878Simple saying but surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you, surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally, surround yourself with people who will love you through your best days and your worst days, surround yourself with people who BELIEVE in you.

On this journey I have met some amazing people who continue to see the the best in me despite me facing my insecurities, despite me being open and honest….some have even seen my worst but have never left my side. Those people are hard to come by….but I am thankful I have friends that support me and accept me and love me for being who I am. I don’t have to change…I can just be myself whenever I’m around people who love me.

Surround yourself with positive people. You are the product of what you surround  yourself with. Why not surround yourself with people who BELIEVE in you?! ❤️

❤️ Jeremy